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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

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University of Kurdistan

System Analysis and Database

Part 1: System analysis:

Aim of Subject:

    This course is introduction to system analysis; that give student a Guides and experience of how can analyze the system in successfully way to satisfy organization’s needs.

Subjects Name:
  1. System, Types of the system, System parts, Subsystem, Organization Structure, Functional Level, Management Level.

  2. System Analysis, System Analyst, Personal Attributes of the system analyst, Roles of system analyst, System Life Cycle

  3. Analysis, Preliminary analysis phase, Problem definition, Object Setting, Feasibility Study, Plan preparation, Detailed study phase, Fact finding, Fact recording.

  4. Analysis Steps, Disadvantage of missing the analysis steps, Assessments of the detailed study, Objective and results analysis, Result-Action analysis, Input-Output analysis, Organization structure analysis, Procedure analysis.

  5. Charting, Data flow, Data flow diagram and Data dictionary, Flow charting Samples, Analysis chart, Organization chart, Documental flow chart, System flow chart, Procedure flow chart, Programming flow chart, Decision table.

  6. System design, Characteristics of good system design, System design stages, Output design, Input design, File design, Procedures or processing design.

Part 2: Database

Aim of Subject:

    Present the fundamental concepts of database to handle large collection of data in easy and quick way.

Subjects Names:
  1. Requirements to computer System, Traditional File Features and Limitation, File Technique, Database Technique.

  2. Database, Data, Advantages of using database, Aims of database, Types of databases and database application, Database users.

  3. Database Management System (DBMS), Aim of Database Management System, Data Abstraction, Physical Level, Conceptual Level, View level.

  4. Data Model, Object-Based Logical Model, The Entity-Relationship Model, The Object-Oriented Model, Record-Based Logical Model, Relational Model, Network Model, Hierarchal Model, Difference between the models, Physical Data Model.

  5. Entity Relationship Model, Entities and Entity sets, Relationships and Relationship sets, Mapping constraints, Keys, Entity-Relationship Diagram, Reducing E-R Diagram to tables, Relational Model, Structure of Relational Databases, Query Languages, and SQL.

  1. System Analysis& Design By Perry Edwards 1993.
  2. Systems Analysis 2nd By Andrew Parkin 1987.
  3. Database System Concepts 2nd By Henry F. Korth and Abraham Silberschatz 1991.
University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
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