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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

    We (Kovan, Bareen, Hoshyar and Jehan) give our thanks to Dr.adnan M.abdulazeez becouse he was our supervicer.
    If you want to ask about any informations or questions be in touch with us by our emails which are:

  • Kovan A.Mohamadali
    E_mail:Kovan.slevanay@yahoo.com                                 Kovan
  • Barin sh.Tahir
    E_mail:Barin_Zibary@yahoo.com                                     Barin
  • Hoshyar M.Mohamad
    E_mail:Gelveen_h@yahoo.com                                         Hoshyar
  • Jehan G.obaid
    E_mail:jehan198155bj@yahoo.com                                Jehan
University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
Tel. : +964 (0)62 7225125    Relations: +964 762 0004
Copyright ©, Department Of Computer Science 2008