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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

         Education college

    The History of Computer Science Department

    The Department of Computer Science was created in face of the ever-changing global world of technology and computers to aid in the daily lives, academic endeavors, and future career ambitions of our students to fully prepare them for a teaching career in which they will be required to instill that knowledge in our youth and future student of the University of Dohuk.

    The college Education is one of the colleges of Dohuk University it consistes of:
    Biology: Biology@edu.uod.ac.
    Mathematics: Mathematic@edu.uod.ac.
    Computer Science:Computer@edu.uod.ac.

    And the Computer Science is one of it is Department and Established in 2001_2002 they continued there is studing in the college of Science for about two year and they moved to Zako.

    The Computer Science is the field that studies theoretical foundation, development of computer algorithms, and data structure for processing information.

University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
Tel. : +964 (0)62 7225125    Relations: +964 762 0004
Copyright ©, Department Of Computer Science 2008

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