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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

Operation Research

Total hours: 90 theory.

Subjects Names:
  1. Basics of Operations Research: Introduction, Development of Operations, Research, Phases of OR study.

  2. Applied Linear Programming: Introduction, Examples of Linear Programming Applications, General Definition of Linear Programming.

  3. The Simplex Method: Introduction, Graphical Solution of Two –Variable Linear Programs, Development of the Simplex Method, Summary of the Computational Procedure of the Simplex Method, Artificial Variables Techniques, Variants of the Simplex Method Applications.

  4. The Dual Problem and Postoptimality Analysis: Introduction, Definition of the Dual Problem, The Optimal Dual Solution in the Simplex Tableau, Important Primal –Dual Properties, Dual Simplex Method, Postoptimality or Sensitivity Analysis.

  5. The Transportation Problem: Introduction, The Transportation Model, Contribution of The Transportation Model.

  6. Review of Probability Models: Introduction, Outcomes, Sample Space, and Events, Laws of Probability, Random Variables and Probability Distributions, Joint Probability Distributions, Expectation and Moments of a Random Variable, Moment Generating Function, Central Limit Theorem.

  7. Project Scheduling by PERT-CPM: Introduction, Arrow (Network) Diagram Representation, Critical Path Method.

  8. Inventory Models: Definition of the Inventory Problem, Levels of Abstraction in Demand, Deterministic Models.

  1. Taha, Hamdy A., “Operations Research :An Introducation”,7th edition, Prentice-Hall, 2003.

  2. Frederick S. Hillier, “Introduction to Operations research”, Publisher: McGraw-Hill Science/Engineering/Math; 7 edition, 2002.

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