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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

Computer architecture

The aim of this subject is:

comprehensive study of computer in depth (CPU, memory , I/O devices, chips, …).

Course 1:
Total hours:
30 (theory).

Subjects Names:

Part 1: Data representation.
  1. Data types.
  2. Complements.
  3. Fixed point representation
  4. Floating point representation.
  5. Other binary codes.
Part 2: Computer arithmetic.
  1. Introduction.
  2. Addition and subtraction.
  3. Multiplication algorithms.
  4. Division algorithms.
  5. ALU design.
Part 3: Control unit.
  1. General concepts.
  2. Control unit operations.
  3. Micro programmed control.
Part 4: Central processing unit.
  1. General register organization.
  2. Stack organization.
  3. Instruction formats.
  4. Addressing mode.
  5. Program control.
  6. RISC and CISC architectures.
Part 5: Input-Output Organization.
  1. Peripheral devices.
  2. Input/output interface.
  3. Data transfer.
  4. Direct memory access.
  5. Interrupts.
  6. PIC details.
  7. Input/output processing.
Course 2:
Total hours:
30 (theory).

Subjects Names:

Part 6: Memory organizations.
  1. Memory hierarchy.
  2. Main memory
  3. Static RAM
  4. Dynamic RAM.
  5. Advanced technology
  6. Read only memory (ROM, PROM, EPROM, ..….)
  7. Auxiliary memory. (Floppy, hard , CD, ….)
Part 7: Memory management.
  1. Cache memory.
  2. Virtual memory.
  3. Associative memory.
Part 8: Data communication.
  1. Synchronous and Asynchronous data transfer.
  2. Parallel data transmission.
  3. Serial data transmission.
  4. Computer interface
    • Serial ports.
    • Parallel ports.
    • Universal serial Bus
  1. M. Morris Mano, Computer system Architecture
  2. William Stallings, Computer Organization and Architecture
University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
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