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Ministery of Higher Education

Ministery of Higher Education in Erbil

Salahaddin University

University of Sulaimani

Koya University

University of Kurdistan

Object Oriented Programming

Total hours: 60 theory + 60 practice.

The aim of subject:

Study Basic concept of object-oriented programming OOP.

Subjects Names :

  1. principle of object-oriented programming Basic concept of object-oriented programming, Benefits of OOP.

  2. Declaration of variables Dynamic initialization of variable, Reference variable, Pointer variable, Memory leak, Dangle pointer.

  3. Function in C++ Call by reference, Call by pointer, Inline function, Default arguments, Function overloading.

  4. Classes and Object Specifying class, Defining member function, A C++ program with class, Making an outside function inline, Nesting member function, Private member function, Arrays writhing class, Static data member, Static member function, Arrays of object, Objects as function argument, Friendly function, Returning object, Const member function.

  5. Constructor and Destructor Constructor, Parameterized Constructor, Multiple Constructor in class, Constructor with default argument, Copy Constructor, Dynamic Constructor, Destructor.

  6. Operator overloading and type conversion Defining operator overloading, Overloading unary operators, Overloading binary operators, Overloading binary operators using friend, Type conversion.

  7. Inheritance Defining Derived classes, Single inheritance, Making private member inheritance, Multilevel inheritance, Multiple inheritance, Abstract classes, Constructor in derived class.

  8. Pointer, virtual function and polymorphism pointer to object, this pointer, pointers to derived classes virtual function, pure virtual function .

  9. Templates Template, class template, function template, member function template.

  1. C++ How to program 4, by H.M Deitel, P.J. Deitel, 2005
  2. Programming in C++ 4, by Habib T.Kashani, 1998
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