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Measurement and Evaluation

    Teaching process aims to create a change in the student's behavior either this behavior is oral or motion. This process has goals, ways and means to be achieved (fulfilled), then it will gain the fulfilled results and goals. To make sure if these results and goals are fulfilled the teachers always do different types of tests to measure the difference that has happened in the student's behavior as a result of the teaching process and this is called Measurement and Evaluation.

The Meaning of Measurement and Evaluation:

    Measurement: Is a wellknown word to us. and we use it almost every day in our talks and every life. Measurement process is very important in our every day life. There is no complete agreement about the definition of measurement between the Scientes despite the agreement about its importance.

These are some definisions about the concept of Measurement :

    Guilford: It is the description of dates by using numbers.

    Ebel: It is the process of comparing some characteries.

University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
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