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University of Kurdistan

The origin of Kurds

    The origin of kurds has never been written in a scientific way. The historians tried to know the origin of kurds. Also, some Eurpean historians tried to search for their origin. So, there are many theories about their origin. The arabic historian, Masood, in his book"Mirooj Al-Thahab and Ma'aden Al-Jawher" said that the origin of kurds is related to jinns. prophet sulaiman's jiins were drived away from their kingdom to the mountainous regions in mountain Zagross, to the south-west of Iran. But if you look at this theory closely, it didn't match with our thoughts.
    The arabic historian, Massod,has another opinion about the origin of kurds. He says that their origin goes back to the Arabs, a tribe called"Rabia' tribe".

The place of Kurds(Kurdistan)

    The original place of kurds was the rigions that lie at the south-west of Mizopotomia (the country between the two rivers). For informations, there are other names of kurdish places like; Sobeer, Sobar to, Kotiom, Zamowa, 'Aliatim, Kohstan, the mountain country. The name 'Kurdistan' was mentioned in the historical sources for the first time in the twenteenth century, at the time of the Saljoqi Sultan(Sinjer).

The ancient places of kurdistan:
  1. Shaneder Cave.
  2. Hizar Merd Cave
  3. Jarmo village.
The ancient kurdish peoples:
  1. Sobar-Sobar to
  2. Lolobi.
  3. Guti.
  4. Kashi.
  5. Mitani.
  6. Thorart.
  7. Kardokhi.
  8. Midi.
University of Dohuk, Dohuk City, Kurdistan Region - Iraq
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